Florentin Clipa


Welcome on the page of Pro Charis Association!!! I’m honoured to have you on this web page and I hope that the things you will find here will be a real blessing for you.This page has the role to present you the mission from Eastern Europe which is done în cooperation with evangelical churches and christian organisations.My desire together with the outreach I’m doing is that the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ may go forward, where its less known, the people to follow the Saviour and to prepare His church for His glorious coming!!!

Florentin Clipa – M.Th.


I had the privilege to be born in a christian family and I thank God for that because through my family I experienced God în a special way. When I was four years old, my father died, my mother was retired because of her health problems and because there were very few resources my family was very close to be disintegrated. În that critical moment we kneeled together and we prayed with the whole family and we experienced God being Jehova Jire. When I was 17 I really surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus and at 18 I responded to the call to preach the Gospel. Between 1995-1999 I did my B. A. at Emmanuel University of Oradea, Romania. Between 2004-2005 I received my M.Th. From Queens University of Belfast, Northern Ireland.

In 2006 I was ordained as minister of missions at Maranatha Baptist Church from Suceava and from 2007 I started my trips in the United Stated until now. Since 2011 I started a colaboration with Luis Palau Evangelistic Association and in 2015 I started to work with Answers in Genesis. I am grateful for what the Lord has offered me until today and for what he wants to do with me in the future for the extension of His kingdom!


The goals of Pro Charis Association:

– to defend the Christian faith

– to proclaim the message and the values of the Christian Gospel

– to offer spiritual and material help for the Christian outreach.


The objectives of Pro Charis Association:

– to publish Christian literature

– producing Christian media programs

– planting churches în the north-east of Romania

– organising christian projects for strengthen the message of the Gospel.



Florentin Clipa

Adress: str. Alexandru cel Bun, nr. 24, Bl. H3, Ap. 3

720052, Suceava, România

Tel: 0230 522502   0726 117201

Facebook  Asociatia Pro Charis

Email: floriclipa@gmail.com

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